Women Who Rock™


“I am incredibly honored and proud to partner with Women Who Rock. I truly believe music and art heal, unite and ground us all. Through the confluence of music, design, and philanthropy we can help improve the lives of women and assist in the endeavors of Magee-Womens Research Institute in providing for women’s critical needs in the community. I hope the pieces I offer exclusively to WWR will energize, inspire, and delight those that wear them while creating awareness of this extremely important work. Making women feel sophisticated, special, unique and powerful wearing the collection I offer, has always and will always be my mission and goal. I am thrilled for the opportunity to give back in such a valuable way through my art and vision with this partnership.” - Renee Piatt

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Out of the studio

I am out of the studio until February 3rd for my annual Tucson buying trip.

Please DON'T FORGET to stop back for all new hand-chosen gorgeousness! Thank you!


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